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How do different cultures’ gender roles affect college students

  • Introduction (1-2 paragraphs, with your research question at the end)
  • Theoretical Framework (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Literature Review (8-12 pages, organized by theme); and,
  • Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs).

    An Historical and Contemporary Overview of Gendered Caribbean RelationsThis talks about how in different Caribbean countries gender roles are different, or the require more than the others. “The household head is the final decision maker about the affairs of the house. Household headship in the Caribbean is determined by a number of variables, such as who owns the family house or who supports the people who reside in it” ( Blank, 2013). So if both of the male and female owns the house, they both have the more. But usually in that case, one as more power than the other. This paper talks about the the gender roles in Caribbean cultures, and the history on why the roles are the way that they are, but does not show where or how they conducted their research. They are just comparing each countries gender roles to Afro Caribbean.

  •             In the beginning of the article, it breaks it down into four micro levels theories to understand and explain the division of domestic labour. Forste, and Fox , wrote that just because you are out working, that means that you are no spending time at home doing house work. That is part of their time availability theory. “They.are influenced by cultural norms, feelings about their past, and by how they view their mating opportunity”(Fox,Forste). These gender roles were passed down from parent to kid, to live on, so it would never change. The data that they used came from a 2002 International Social Survey program. This data examines families from 31 different countries about gender roles. They were interested in the division of household labor and family satisfaction, so they had to limit their sample to men and women living with a significant other. All together they had 25,750 married or together adults. The end results are that most people enjoy their life, and they also found that more people do more housework than their spouse. They also notice that the people that participated in the study had an agreement with their spouse about what they are going to bring to the table. So basically asking what role are they going to play. In the study, I think that they could of compared and contrast to different counties or cultures. Since they made it with so many countries, I feel like you do not get the full picture on how they really feel with their roles. Also they could have done interviews to get a better understanding.
  •             Blee and Tickamyer talk about gender roles between African American and white American are different because of racial backgrounds. “White daughters are influenced significantly by their mothers’ attitudes but not by employment history; for African American daughters, it is maternal employment—but not attitudes-~-that affect gender role attitudes” (Blee, Tickamyer, 1995). Many hypothesis were made to test the factors that shaped male attitudes towards women’s gender role. They pulled their data from young males and older women, from the National Longitudinal Surveys. The study started out with a sample of men from the age 14- 24 years of age, and they completed it in 1981. For the older women survey, they had a range from 30 to 44 years old, and they started in 1967.  They way they conducted their survey was odd to me. They do their survey in 3 different years for men but only women in one. They also had two gender role scales, which helped them measure out their results. They compared African American males and their mothers to white American males to their mothers. The results showed that there was a clear difference in working environments between white women and black women. Also that was the same for men and white men but for educational environment.
  •         Dugger, K. (1988). Social Location and Gender-Role Attitudes: A Comparison of Black and White Women. Gender and Society, 2(4), 425–448., D. S. B. (2013, May). An historical and contemporary overview of gendered … Retrieved February 24, 2022, from
  • please find more articles that relate to my topic
  • Blee, K. M., & Tickamyer, A. R. (1995). Racial Differences in Men’s Attitudes about Women’s Gender Roles. Journal of Marriage and Family, 57(1), 21–30.
  • Forste, Renata and Fox, Kiira, “Household Labor, Gender Roles, and Family Satisfaction: A Cross-National Comparison” (2012). Faculty Publications. 3897.
  • Work Cited
  • Racial Differences in Men’s Attitudes About Women’s Gender Roles
  • Household Labor, Gender Roles, and Family Satisfaction: A Cross- National Comparison
  •             Karen Dugger talks about the differences between African Americans and white Americans. White women have gone through far less of what black women go through. Dugger think since that African American women have gone through so much, they are not scared to push the boundaries. In the study, it will try to find the answers to two hypothesis. One of them is that black women will become more rejecting of the dominant culture’s view than white women. To find the answers, the study came from the Roper Organization’s 1980 Virginia Slims American Women’s Opinion Poll. They were able to find 296 black females and 2,607 whites females. To measure, they had a scale representing 8 dimensions of gender role attitudes were constructed from a survey. The scale ranged from different gender role attitudes. The results proved the hypotheses right. Black women were more likely to reject the dominant cultures’s views of gender than white females, on all but two of the 8 indices.
  • Social Location and Gender-Role Attitudes: A Comparison of Black and White Women
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  • My research question is: How do different cultures’ gender roles affect college students