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  1. A difficult issue is that greenhouse gas emissions are not equally produced around the globe with more developed countries often the major producers.    Based on the section B in the text and figure SPM2, what three regions are the largest producers of CO2 equilivant greenhouse gases in 2019?    How does this compare with the emissions PER capita in these regions?
  1. As we’re discussed in class and shown in Figure SPM3, the cost for renewable energy continues to decline and their share of electricity generation continues to increase. Answer the follow questions in a sentence or two for each: Which renewable option generated the most electricity globally in 2010?  How did this change by  2020?   How do the costs for each of the major renewable electricity  technologies compare with the average cost of fossil fuel energy generation in 2010 and 2020?

3 . While renewable energy allows replacement of energy demand with carbon neutral technology, another way to reduce emissions is to reduce energy demand.   This includes changes in our social and cultural approaches.    AS described in the text and summarized in figure SPM 6, what are some of the sectors where this is possible?    In a few sentences, think about and describe what you think are the sectors that might be most easily adopted?

  1. New policies have been put in place across a number of countries to mitigate emissions. In 2020 how much of the global emissions were subject to a carbon tax or emissions trading system?    Will these approaches and policies be enough to limit warming to 1.5% –  why or why not?