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Historical Reflection of this week’s assigned reading, module resources, and lecture.

Welcome to Week 9. This week, we will explore the Civil War.

This week:

  1. Complete the assigned reading and corresponding study guide.
  2. Begin the module by examining the “Setting the Scene” page.
  3. View the documentary: Rebel: Loreta Velazquez, Secret Soldier of the American Civil War.
  4. Prepare a Historical Reflection of this week’s assigned reading and lecture.

See the detailed Historical Reflection directions for information about requirements and scoring rubric.  For Part I, identify and explain three “gold nuggets” from this week’s historical sources.  For Part II, prepare a three-paragraph response to this key question:

Did women who participated in the Civil War do more to maintain standard gender expectations or did they undermine standard gender expectations? (Helpful tip: Consider the Cult of Domesticity from Chapter 4 for insights into the “standard gender expectations” for women.)

Support your interpretation with specific evidence from this week’s historical sources.  Keep quoted content to less than 20% of your response.  Prepare a minimum of three paragraphs responding to this question. (Keep in mind that paragraphs generally consist of five to seven paragraphs).

Submit your Historical Reflection by Monday.


Reflect upon the assigned chapter or chapters assigned for this week, lecture, and required and/or recommended websites and documentaries.  Use evidence from the module resources to support your Historical Reflection.  Do not include evidence from additional sites and resources not included in this week’s resources.

Create a two-part response typed in 12-point font, double-spaced.  Include your name and week number at the top of the first page.  Cite three key points or “gold nuggets” from this week’s module/content.  You may include examples from the textbook chapter, lecture, and required and recommend websites and documentaries.  Keep quoted content to less than 20% of the total reflection according to the Turnitin report.

Part One: Select three sentences from this week’s resources (chapter, lecture, websites, documentaries) that stand out to you because they surprised you, made you think about the topic in an unexpected way, were profound, or otherwise struck you as being worthy of repetition and deserving of reflection.  We will consider these sentences to be “gold nuggets.” Quote each golden sentence, providing a page number, or title of lecture or website, and explain in several sentences why you consider the statement to be a gold nugget.  Be sure to consider how the historical context influences the significance of topic.

Part Two: This second part involves offering an interpretation and analysis of a guiding question.  In your response, provide a thesis statement that captures your interpretation.  Support your interpretation with detailed and cited evidence from the module resources. This should be three paragraphs in length.  (Approximately five to seven sentences each paragraph).

Part One:

      1. “Quoted example/ gold nugget,” (citation or reference). Your reflection on the significance of this statement.
      2. “Quoted example/ gold nugget,” (citation or reference). Your reflection on the significance of this statement.
      3. “Quoted example/ gold nugget,” (citation or reference). Your reflection on the significance of this statement.

Example of a “gold nugget” reflection: “In addition to her activities as translator, negotiator, and lecturer, she (Sarah Winnemucca) created a short-lived bilingual school to offer Paiute children an education that would respect their own culture.”  (TWE, pp. 362-63) or if from Elusive Eden: (EE, pp. 175-76).  This passage summarizes the profound accomplishments Sarah Winnemucca achieved during her short life in the late nineteenth-century. As a Paiute woman, she was born right on the cusp and in the path of invasion from the East.  Against tremendous forces she exercised agency to determine her path in life.  In doing so, she secured a return of Paiute to Nevada, published an autobiography, and established an industrial school that was far more sensitive to the cultural needs of Paiute children than the Bureau of Indian Affairs schools were. The photograph on page 361 of TWE or EE shows how the BIA schools attempted to erase Native culture through forced assimilation.

Part Two:

Prepare a three-paragraph response to the key question.  Support your interpretation with specific, cited evidence from the week’s historical sources.  Prepare a minimum of three paragraphs responding to this question. (Keep in mind that paragraphs generally consist of five to seven paragraphs).

Rebel: Loreta Velazquez, Secret Soldier of the American Civil War:

Reading Assignments:

Please note: Documents: (Ch. 5): Luzena Stanley Wilson, Memories Recalled Later for her Daughter, pp. 257-260; and Barbara Longknife, Writes Home to Indian Country From the Goldfields, pp. 260-262.
 Ch. 5: Feature Essay: Women on the Civil War Battlefields, pp. 273 – 286.