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Grievance Committee at Tuglar Corporation

  • In addressing the issue of whether or not the committee selection process is random, consider the following questions:
    1. How is the number of members of the Accounting Department who are selected to serve on the grievance committee distributed?
    2. Using the probability distribution you identified in (1), what is the probability for each of these five years that no members of the Accounting Department have been selected to serve?
    3. Using the probabilities you identified in (2), what is the probability that no members of the Accounting Department have been selected to serve during the past five years?
    4. What is the cause of the lack of Accounting Department representation on the grievance committee over the past five years? What can be done to increase the probability that a member of the Accounting Department will be selected to serve on the grievance committee using the current selection method?
    Expectations: Copy & paste the Excel displays into a Word file if you can. Upload the Word file (or the Excel files) for credit. Comments in which you describe your findings should be included with each display. APA formatting is not required for weekly assignments but adhere to the rules of written English in your punctuation, grammar and spelling. Course Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3 & 4