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  • Olympic female track athletes pose in nude calendar (1999)
  • Brandi Chastain, poses nude behind a soccer ball in Gear Magazine (1999)
  • Jenny Thompson, shirtless in Sports Illustrated, her breasts covered by her own clenched fists (2000)

Listed above are a few of the notable female Olympic pin-ups. Conduct your own research to determine the female Olympic athletes who have posed in magazines more recently (post 2010).

Please answer the following:

  1. Magazine:
  2. Olympic Athlete (Sport) that posed:
  3. How do the photos portray the athlete:
  4. Was there an article on the athlete? If so, what was the content?
  5. Do you believe that female athletes become more empowered when they decide to take their clothes off to get greater exposure, or do you feel that these efforts to promote the sport are demeaning to female athletes?