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Pick a topic out of those 5 1.     The launch of Frutteto ice snacks into the Chinese market

  1. The launch of Frutteto ice snacks into the South Korean market
  2. The launch of Graze savoury snacks into the Japanese market
  3. The launch of Graze savoury snacks into the South Korean market
  4. The launch of Graze savoury snacks into the Indonesian market.

You are required to choose one of the following companies and to consider their globalisation strategy in one of the markets suggested.   We have given you a choice of markets and you are expected focus on one of them and not to compare them.

You are required to carry out detailed and current research using the library databases, company websites and quality newspapers and magazines and using relevant models and academic theory to provide a structure and substantiation for your views, to make a justified recommendation as to the feasibility of the launch. The company have asked you to distil your analysis onto a maximum of 13 PowerPoint slides pulling out the key information and using the Comrie and Hunt-Fraisse (2015) adaptation of the Walvoord (1980) Potential Market Assessment model to structure your answer and to address the following:

  1. Macro market analysis – key, current and relevant PESTLE factors (China OR, South Korea, OR Japan OR Indonesia) 30%
  2. Micro market analysis (Snacks or Ice Cream market in your chosen country) 30%
  3. Company competitive advantage relative to competitors using Porter’s (1985) Value Chain.  Ensure you state clearly how the brand (Graze or Frutteto) derives relative competitive advantage and to what extent this competitive advantage is transferable and sustainable.  30%
  4. The fit of the country market opportunity with the brand’s mission and capabilities and reflect on any challenges the company might face as a result.  10%
  • Number of slides: You have a maximum of thirteen slides, one for your cover slide, ten to cover the content and two for your list of references used.
  • Your cover slide should include your student number, the name of the company and the market.
  • All facts must be referenced with in text citations and in your references at the end.
  • Please make sure you use the library databases recommended in the supporting material for this assessment rather than journal articles.
  • As you are handing in your work on slides please keep visual impact in mind and avoid filling your slides with words. We will be showing you examples of how students have managed this effectively in previous years.
  • It is important to avoid listing all of the factors but rather to choose the most relevant factors impacting on your decision and to apply the ‘so what’ question to them to ensure that you are analysing rather than describing. As an example, a full PESTLE is not required but rather you need to decide which are the most salient factors impacting the success or otherwise of your launch. This will be explained in lectures and tutorials and in the supporting materials.
  • Your work must be analytical and not descriptive.  Ask yourself the so what? question. We will be emphasizing this in our teaching but if you are unsure please ask.
  • There are many supporting materials for this assessment and we ask you to please engage with them and any sessions we put on to support you to do well.  If you are unsure, please ask!

I have linked the assignement paper, please follow the instructions