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Global education

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Four sources need to be found about global education.
 (a) a highly partisan source on the left side of the chart,
(b) a highly partisan source on the right side of the chart,
(c) a highly credible source towards the middle, and
(d) a scholarly source. As you read their perspectives, notice their reasoning and rhetoric.

Your paper will share the following:

  • Step 1: Write an introduction to your first article that includes any relevant information about its source and author.
  • Step 2: Present the main argument that it gives in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion.
    • The main argument here means the argument that it uses to advocate for its position on your issue.
    • Example below: more explanation here
Premises 1:
Premises 2:
(Add more if needed)
  • Step 3: Evaluate the quality of the argument in the source.
    • Are the premises plausible and well supported?
    • Does the conclusion appear to logically follow from the premises (how strongly)?
  • Step 4: Discuss the relative credibility of the source. Consider questions such as the following:
    • Does the source use a lot of partisan rhetoric?
    • Does the source make unwarranted assumptions?
    • Is the article fair and open-minded?
    • Is the tone of the article positive to those with differing perspectives?
    • How might those with a different perspective react to the reasoning presented by this source?
  • Complete Steps 1–4 for the second source.
  • Complete Steps 1–4 for the third source.
  • Complete Steps 1–4 for the fourth source.
  • Explain what you noticed in the different types of sources, addressing questions such as
    • Did you find them to use more reasoning or rhetoric?
    • Was there a noticeable bias in the language and assumptions used in the articles?
    • Which types of sources (scholarly, nonpartisan credible, or highly partisan) did you find most helpful and informative on the topic (and why)?
    • Will this exercise likely affect how you consider sources in the future?