Word limit: 1,300 words (+/- 10%) excluding references
Value: 30%
Submission: Moodle (as a single pdf file)
Find at least six academic and two non-academic sources related to your youth media research project topic, and write a critical literature review evaluating these sources and their relevance to your project. Remember that a good literature review includes reliable, quality sources (academic and non-academic) and a critical assessment of them, not just a descriptive summary, to make clear, well-supported arguments about key concepts, ideas, themes or studies you have drawn from the literature, with relevance to your research. Since this is a media unit, most of your sources must be media-specific, i.e. from media and communications literature – see Week 2 lecture).
Presentation style:
• You must also include your current research topic or question as the title of this assignment. It’s ok if it is a working one at this stage; the topic/question can be modified and refined as your work progresses.
• Times New Roman or Arial font, size 11; standard margin size; double spaced lines; numbered pages; text aligned left; headings in bold; subheadings in bold and italics.
• Harvard style referencing preferred, but you may use another style as long as it’s consistent. The full Harvard referencing guide is available at: https://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/harvard.
• You must accurately cite your sources. The Monash library has a detailed guide on citing and referencing: https://www.monash.edu/rlo/research-writing-assignments/referencing-and-academic-integrity/citing-and-referencing.
• You must confirm an original assignment for this assessment task. Copying part or all of your own past assignments and resubmitting them constitutes a breach of academic integrity: https://www.monash.edu/students/admin/policies/academic-integrity.