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Explain the short- and long-term goals of leadership in healthcare management

  • In On Obligations Cicero articulates a rich understanding of the need for and role of leaders in society. He argues in part that what is honorable (that is, good, right, or moral) is always ultimately also useful in the long run. His argument is based in part on the importance of the social fabric for human flourishing. The necessity of the social fabric for human flourishing helps establish the kinds of goals at which leaders ought to aim. In reflecting on Cicero, it might be helpful to think in terms of short-term and long-term goals (for example, profitability and sustainability).
  • Explain the short- and long-term goals of leadership in healthcare management in light of ‘loving thy neighbor’ and in light of what Cicero writes in On Obligations. Given those goals, what ethical duties should leaders in healthcare management observe in their role as leaders?


Your initial discussion response must be substantive, demonstrate understanding of the topic, and be supported by a minimum of two quotations from assigned readings that are both cited in text and properly referenced. The quotations must come from two different assigned texts if more than one is assigned for the week; if only one is assigned for the week, the quotations must come from different chapters. The initial response is worth up to 15 points and must be posted by Wednesday at 11:59 pm PST. It must be no less than 100 words long.

14-15 points – post persuasively defends a clear thesis and shows a solid command of course concepts and texts

12-13 points – post defends a clear thesis and shows a solid command of course concepts and texts

9-11 points – post makes a clear assertion but fails to defend it, or defends a clear assertion but with only a shaky command of course concepts and texts

8 or fewer points – post does not make a clear assertion, or post offers no defense of its assertion, or post shows inadequate command of course concepts and texts