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This year is a census year. Canada’s Census Program provides a statistical portrait of the country every five years through the Census of Population and Census of Agriculture. The Census of Population provides demographic and social information vital for planning services including child care, schooling, family services and skills training for employment. The Census of Agriculture provides data that is used to make informed decisions about business management strategies, agricultural policies, programs and services that directly affect farmers and rural communities. (Source: BC government).



  1. Statistics Canada website: link
  2. E.g. Census Profile, 2016 Census, Nanaimo City: link




  • You will draw upon your knowledge of factors of migration learnt earlier in this course.
  • You will also consider the core-periphery concept learnt earlier in this course.
  • You will further refer to urbanization in BC contained in Ch 16 of the textbook.
  • You will use census data to choose one geographic region typifying the core and another geographic region typifying the periphery within BC.
  • Write a two-paged report which explains why your chosen geographic regions are considered to be in the core or in the periphery. Refer to evidence in the census data to support your explanations.
  • Your report should identify the potential pull and push factors that can cause migration between the two geographic regions. These factors should be based on census data provided by BC Statistics.
  • The report should include:
    • A meaningful title . Provide information about the what (the theme being discussed), where (locations/areas/regions used in your paper), when (time period from which the evidence was drawn), how (method used in the paper) etc in the most concise manner (1 mark)
    • An introduction describing the core-periphery model in the context of the two locations you are comparing (2 marks) and explaining how the existence of the core-periphery can influence the direction of migration between these two locations you have chosen (2 marks),
    • discussion identifying push and pull factors of migration in the two geographic regions supported by census data. This discussion builds on the explanation you provided in the introduction (8 marks),
    • conclusion informing the reader if the analysis you have done fully explains the migration processes between the two geographic areas or how the analysis can be improved (2 marks).
    • Correct grammar and spelling (2 marks).
    • Citation of all references of facts used in the assignment (3 marks).


    • Length: 2 pagedSingle spaced. You may include title page which does not count towards the length. 2 marks penalty per extra page above the limit.
    • Originality. 100% percentage penalty. Any part of the assignment which is plagiarized to any degree will nullify the whole assignment. Further, disciplinary action may apply.