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Briefly explain both the similarity and difference between the two key terms provided in each number.;

a. How the two key terms are related (30 words)
b. How they differ (30 words)
1. Internal and External Validity
2. Between Subjects and Within Subjects Design
3. A t test and Oneway Analysis of Variance
4. Spearman and Pearson Coefficients
5. Type I (alpha) and Type 2 (beta) error
6. Bonferroni and LSD Post Hoc Tests
7. Experimental and Non-experimental Designs
8. Positively and Negatively Skewed Distributions
9. Normal and Bimodal Distributions
10. Random Sample and Stratifies (or proportional) Sample
A research description of a research design will be provided, please answer the questions about it. The answers can be in a single word or a sentence, maximum.
Researcher VG wanted to find a way to improve student study habits for the Intro to Psych course. VG studied the literature and decided to use four different study methods that were described in it.
;Method A: unstructured study
Method B: structured study with outline
Method C: structured study with outline and discussion groups
Method D: structured study w outline, discussion groups, and practice tests,
Students studied in the specified way all term, and then took the same final at the end.
1. Approx. how many participants (in total) should VG use? be realistic (VG does not have years to complete the research); also be statistically wise.
2. If we wanted to describe VG’s study in terms of a control group, which method (A,B,C, or D) would be the control group? why?
3. Why might VG want to use SPSS to make sure that the distribution of scores in the final exam was normal? which SPSS procedure could VG use to do this?
4. which inferential procedure/s should VG use to compare the group averages?
5. what would the null hypothesis of the statistical test in (4) be? the alternative hypothesis?
6. VG has a favorite method- Method D. VG believed D would be better than all the other methods. How could this expectation be tested statistically?
7. how might VG use the technique of random assignment to groups in this research?