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Write a four page paper, not including the title page or references, titled “Ethical Leadership and the Organization.” The paper should have the following format:
Introduction – Explain the purpose of the paper and the themes you will address in the paper.
Use headings to introduce themes and topics. See the APA Manual for proper formatting.
Conclude the paper with an appropriate summary.
Discuss the following two themes, supported by references in the course readings and other sources you may wish to include. You need a minimum of six sources.
The Leader’s Ethics
The first portion of the paper focuses on an assessment of your ethical leadership in several key areas.
Refer to the textbook for discussions on each of the italicized words in the following instruction items.
What challenges do you face in the areas of toxic leadership, shadows, and shadow casters? Discuss
strategies that you are considering to foster growth and development.
Briefly identify those ethical skills that seem well developed. Discuss those skills that need to be
developed more fully and the strategies you are considering to foster growth and development.
Briefly identify those character traits that seem well developed. Discuss those traits that need to be
developed more fully and the strategies you are considering to foster growth and development.
Briefly identify those spiritual values that seem well developed. Discuss those values that you would like to develop more fully and the strategies that you are considering to foster growth and development.
Discuss your preferred ethical perspective when making daily ethical decisions. How might you expand
your use of other perspectives?
The Leader’s Ethical Influence within the Organization
Describe the health of your organization’s ethical climate, either where you work or where you volunteer.
Use the discussion in Chapter 9 of the textbook to guide your analysis and discussion.
Discuss specific strategies that could be initiated to improve the organization’s ethical climate. In what specific ways could you influence these initiatives? What is your personal code of ethics to which you will
The paper should use the following standards:
It should be written in accordance with APA Guidelines.
First person voice is appropriate given the personal nature of this paper.
Graduate level papers must be logical, well organized, grammatically correct, and have correct spelling
and sentence structure.
It should be written in complete paragraphs of at least three sentences in length.
Use 12 Times New Roman font.
Describe the health of your organization’s ethical climate, is good. We assist Veterans who are literaly
homeless or can become homless through a goverment funded grant program. We pay the deposit and
first month rent. Or we pay there rent if the Veteran is behind on the rent. Also, we have a employment departement that works with the Veterans on job skills building and placement. My agency is big on ethics.