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Essay: Chinese Landscape Painting

In Module 11, we looked at the development of art and architecture in some cultures throughout Asia.  As we look back at Chapter 34, we recall the rich artistic tradition of China.  For this essay, think back on some of the Chinese artists. In particular, consider those whose subject matter was landscape painting. Then, answer these questions:

  • How does landscape painting in China differ from European landscape painting?
  • What medium is often used?
  • How is calligraphy incorporated into these paintings?
  • What are some recurring themes within these works?
  • Who was Giuseppe Castiglione?  What was his involvement in Chinese art?
  • Cite at least three specific examples to help support your statements. Be sure to include at least one work by Castiglione.

Writing Requirements:

  • Your essay must be at least 3 pages long.
  • You must use a word processing program (such as MS Word) to write your essay.
  • Provide three (3) sources
    • Wikipedia and other non-academic websites will not be accepted for this criteria.
    • Acceptable sources may be located from the following:
    • the textbook
    • Academic and scholarly journals
    • Museum websites – such as those linked on this page: Artcyclopedia: US Museum List

The sources above are merely suggestions of where credible sources could be found, and should not be mistaken as always acceptable. Please use proper academic discretion to determine if your source is appropriate. If you have any questions regarding this, please review this website: Purdue Writing Lab or speak with your local librarian.

  • Cite academic articles, books, or other research at sources of your conclusions.
  • Citations may be written in APA or MLA style.
  • In-text citations and a full resource(s) citation must be included.
  • See the citation resources in “Resources” area for information specific to art citations.
  • Thoroughly address all aspects of the prompt.
  • Use proper terminology as presented in the textbook.
  • Plagiarism: Please review the syllabus statement regarding academic honesty and plagiarism.
  • You must then submit/attach your essay to the assignment page as a DOC, DOCX, or PDF file.
  • To submit/attach your essay to the assignment page, you must click “Attach File” under the “Assignment Submission” section.
  • The grading rubric for this essay can be found in the “Rubrics” folder under the “Resources” button.