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In a double-spaced, 12 inch font, Times New Roman, short paper apply our course readings (Race and Authoritarianism in American Politics + Merelman et al. Article) to analyze the case study presented in the graphic novel, X-Men God Loves, Man Kills, making sure that your analysis addresses the questions below. The paper should be no more than 600 words. That is about 2 pages, maybe a bit more depending on what program you are using. Do not submit papers longer than 3 pages double spaced.

  • The paper must be in the form of an essay, with a clear thesis statement. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence. Each sentence should flow logically from one to the next, and each paragraph should flow logically from one to the next building to the conclusion.
  • Quotes of the readings should only be used if absolutely necessary, you should aim to paraphrase. Do not use any citations except of the two readings (Race and Authoritarianism in American Politics + Merelman et al. Article) and the (case study X-Men God Loves, Man Kills)

Your essay must incorporate answers to all the following questions. Do not submit a list of answers to each question—you need to write an essay. Use the questions as a way to make sure that you are discussing everything you should discuss. These are minimal requirements. Feel free to go beyond these basic requirements, but do not use outside sources. This assignment is based on the two readings and the case study.


A works cited must be included.


  • In the article by Merelman et al., the authors discussed how people struggled to reconcile the American identity with racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. What conclusion did the authors reach about how people reconciled (or not) the American identity with racial diversity?
  • What are the values usually associated with the American identity that Merelman and colleagues discussed in the article. List at least 4.
  • What is the definition of race and the definition of ethnicity as discussed in class? How are the two different?
  • Merelman et al., noted that people had hard and soft theories of racism. Describe these theories.
  • In the article, which groups were more likely to express hard theories of racism? Which groups were more likely to express soft theories of racism? Explain.
  • In the X-Men episode we watched in class, which characters were an allegory to racial minorities? How do you know?
  • In the X-Men episode we watched in class, which theory of racism do you think would help the characters that were an allegory to minorities? Apply the soft theory, and explain what would happen. Apply the hard theory and explain what would happen.
  • Apply the analysis from Merelman et al., to X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills. What are the various subgroups in the graphic novel?
  • What is the definition of tolerance as discussed in class? How does the definition apply to the situation in the graphic novel?
  • Which groups are portrayed as intolerant? How do you know? Explain.
  • Which groups are portrayed as tolerant? How do you know? Explain.
  • Which subgroups in the X-Men graphic novel might be more likely to adopt hard theories of “racism” (in this case discrimination against mutants)? Explain.
  • How do the X-Men reconcile the discrimination against them with the idea that they are all part of the human race? How does this compare to Americans reconciling racial diversity with one American identity?
  • Which theory of racism could the character of Magneto be said to adopt? How do you know that Magneto adopts one but not the other? Explain.
  • What is the solution to disharmony in the novel? How would you say it reflects, or fails to reflect, tensions in the American political culture regarding the value of tolerance in American political culture, race and ethnicity?
  • If X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills, was written today, what do you think would be different? Explain.