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Assignment Instructions: Your Course Reflections
• Answer the 2 reflective questions below and provide evidence of that learning as described in the previous section (What is a Learning ePortfolio?).
• Create at least 5 tabs in your web page/ ePortfolio. One tab per reflective question. You can create additional tabs, but not less than 6 tabs.
Reflective Questions:
 1. What is the difference between change and change management? Give examples.
2. What is the role of leaders and employees regarding mutual engagement, shared diagnosis and
resistance to change? Give examples.
Tips for your learning ePortfolio:
Tip 1: Prior to creating your learning ePortfolio you should reflect on the issues and themes that were discussed during the class and those that came up while you were doing the readings and assignments.
Tip 2: For your entries, whether they be written, video or audio, you may choose (if you want) to use the Focused Conversation Method below:
1. Reflective: What is this topic or concept about? What caught your attention?
2. Interpretive: What insights did you get from the topic or concept? How has your thinking changed by
reflecting on this topic or concept?
3. Decisional: How can this new or enhanced knowledge be applied to your learning & future
professional practice?
Assignment submission:
Assignment will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.
A. Content (75%)
• Addressing all reflective questions /20
• Originality of your work and creativity in putting together your materials, /18
• Level of thoughtfulness, critical thinking and engagement in your answers, /19
• EVIDENCE you provide to demonstrate your learning and understanding of the /18 course contents,
B. Communication (20%)
• Design, clarity, readability, and presentation of the learning portfolio. /8 • Uses clear language, with topic-specific terminology used correctly and effectively /4
• Information organized intelligently and holistically /8
C. Attention to Detail (5%)
• Academic and non-academic references applied accurately /2
• No errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence structure /3