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:quirement (see the grading rubric Guidelines of the application Papers:

Problem analysis– Select an actual problem/ issue from an organization that you have read about or have seen/ uncovered in the organization that interested you. The paper should focus on identifying the problem and evidence supporting your interpretation of the problem.  -Identify an issue, discuss the issue, and provide a solution to the issue.

Application of Organizational Behavior Theories and Concepts: Select theories and concepts from the organizational behavior textbook that offer guidance in solving these problems. Justify your choice of theories and explain their relevance. The textbook is a starting point but you must go beyond the textbook. Researching peer reviewed academic journal articles is

Suggested Solutions– Outline the steps that the key decision-maker(s) should take and justify your suggestions. Your suggested plan of action must be derived from the theories you have

discussed. In some cases, you must develop a solution that integrates multiple theories. Your plan of action must be specific and include enough detail that the decision-maker(s) could begin implementation.

Specifications for the Final Application Paper


  • Type report using MSWord®
  • Title Page with Title of the assignment, Students’ Names, Date, Course, & Instructor’s Name
  • Table of Content format
  • Length of report:minimum 5-7 pages, double spaced, text font size 12 (titles and headers maybe 12-16). The title page, table of contents, abstract, references, and appendices are not included in the 7 pages
  • APA style
  • Appendix format (research information, charts, graphs or others visuals should be placed in the Appendix section, when appropriate)
  • Bibliography (sources of information, cited references, etc.)
    • Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (see list example provided)
    • The textbook can be used as a reference
    • Students must use a minimum of 5 sources. Three must be Peer Reviewed sources, one may be the textbook, and one may be any source available. The minimum is 5, but it is recommended to have 10 sources (“A” quality papers normally cite 10-15 different sources)


Individuals will use a minimum of 5 sources for the application paper. Academic journals are available through the PSC online library. Papers will be evaluated for content, style, spelling, grammar and punctuation. (Papers must be “A” work in order for an “A” to be awarded.)

Application papers will be graded using the Application Grading Rubric on the last page of the syllabus.

* APA format is discussed comprehensively at (Links to an external site.).



Find articles from peer-reviewed journals to support your main theme for the individual paper. Here is a list of acceptable journals:


NOTE: The article journals below should only serve as guidance not a mandate; you are free to use other academic sources


Ø         Academy of Management Review

Ø         Academy of Management Journal

Ø         Administrative Science Quarterly

Ø         Journal of Applied Psychology

Ø         Journal of Business Venturing

Ø         Journal of Management

Ø         Management Science

Ø         Organization Science

Ø         Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Ø         Strategic Management Journal

Ø         Journal of Supply Chain Management

Ø         The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Ø         International Journal of Value – Based Management

Ø         Industrial Marketing Management

Ø         Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Ø         American Business Review

Ø         Journal of Business Research

Ø         Educational and Psychological Measurement

Ø         Journal of Business Ethics

Ø         European Journal of Marketing

Ø         The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Ø         Health Marketing Quarterly

Ø         Academy of Marketing Science. Journal

Ø         Marketing News

Ø         Journal of Applied Business Research

Ø         Review of Business



Individual Application Paper Grading Rubric


  Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Comments
Spelling and Grammar
(0-20 points)
Paper has more than 15 spelling and grammar errors Paper has between 10 and 15 spelling and grammar errors Paper has between five and 10 spelling and grammar errors Paper has less than five spelling or grammar errors  
  0 4 10 20  
APA Format (0-20 points) Paper follows no APA guidelines Paper follows few APA formatting guidelines (i.e. has a title page but no citations, not double-spaced, incorrect font, and/or no page numbers) Paper follows most APA guidelines (i.e. Has a title page but no header or citations. The reference page is there but not in APA format) Paper follows APA guidelines with title page, headers, font style and size, headings, spacing, reference page, and proper citations  





  0 4 10 20  
Content (0-140 points) Paper does not include Organizational Behavior theories and concepts and explanation of their relevance to the identified problem Paper includes Organizational Behavior theories and concepts and explanation of their relevance to the identified problem.

Paper includes a minimum of 5 academic journal references and citations.

Paper includes Organizational Behavior theories and concepts and explanation of their relevance to the identified problem.

Paper includes a minimum of 9 academic journal references and citations.

Paper includes Organizational Behavior theories and concepts and explanation of their relevance to the identified problem.

Paper includes a minimum of 12 academic journal references and citations.

  0-35 (F quality) 36-110 (C-D quality) 111-125 (B quality) 126-140 (A quality)  
Recommendation and Conclusion Content (0-20 points) Paper does not include recommendation, conclusion or suggested solutions Recommendation, conclusion or suggestion is missing two or more of the following: effective and comprehensive conveyance of how and why the conclusions were reached, a complete discussion of the recommendations or the conclusion or suggestions are not based on the findings Recommendation conclusion, suggestions is missing one of the following: effectively and comprehensively explains in detail how and why the conclusions were reached, includes a complete discussion of the recommendation, recommendation are based on the results of the findings Recommendation, conclusion or suggestion effectively and comprehensively explains in detail how and why the conclusions were reached and includes a complete discussion of the recommendations The conclusion and suggestions are based on the results of the findings  
  0 4 10 20  
Total Points Earned for the Assignment (out of 200)