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Read materials below to learn about Shakespeare’s contribution to the English Language OR tradition of play writing. Then, write a three-paragraph discussion about Hamlet, “Act I” (1334-) to demonstrate how it is a typical example of Shakespearean play. (Feel free to add any other sources to enhance your argument.)

Public Radio International:
A E Publications:
Royal Shakespeare Company:
Time Magazine:
“Why Shakespeare Matters” (David Tenant speaks with Stephen Colbert):
Note: If these links do not work, please conduct a basic internet research of your own and write your essay.
General Expectations
A strong argument that establishes Shakespeare’s eminence in English language and literature.
Each paragraph making a coherent argument and all held together by appropriate transition-markers.
Minimum three quotes from the play to support the argument, Hamlet. See Content section for tips on quoting.
MLA formatting with in-text citation and works cited list for Shakespeare as well as the internet source(s).
Error-free language.