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1. Read Chapter 12: Learning with Motivation (Solomon & Anderman, 2016) from the Handbook for Research on Learning and Instructio

Answer the following questions and include the answers in the ARRP assignment for this module.

1. What influence has behaviorism and social cognitive theories of learning had on our current understanding of motivation? Where can these current understandings be seen in schools/educational practices?
2. What impact might the current test-oriented environment in public schools be having on students’ academic motivation and intrinsic motivation.


Watch the video and answer the questions

Answer the following questions and include the answers in the ARRP assignment for this module.

1. What are differences between learning (mastery) goals and performance (ability) goals and what are the characteristics of students who hold these two different orientations?
2. How are these goal orientations related to motivation?
3. How can teachers influence students’ goal orientation and build confidence and motivation to achieve?


Watch the video and answer the questions


 Read Anderman and Patrick’s (2012) article on Achievement Goal Theory, Conceptualization of Ability/Intelligence, and Classroom Climate.


You will use the answers to these questions in the ARRP for this module.

1.  How do external rewards impact children’s intrinsic motivation?
2. What impact does competition and comparison have on children’s motivation?
3. List a few guidelines for the appropriate use of rewards.
4. What other information did you find particularly interesting in the video No Child Without Motivation?