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Research topic should be related to drug courts in community corrections

Paper should include five references in apa format from proffesional journals internet and google searches that are included and are not proffesional journals will not be accepted

Examples of proffesional journals has been listed in the rubric i have added.

Paper should consits of

  1. A title/cover page (1page)
  2. Introduction ( 1 page): The introduction of the paper should give the reader an idea, background details and provides information about why you are writing on the topic you have selected. The introduction of the paper consists of 2 parts:

 -A general introduction to the topic of drug courts

-Your Thesis Statement/issue about drug courts

  1. Literature review (3 Pages)
  2. Summuary/Conclusion (1 page)
  3. Reference Page Apa format (1 page)

-You must use five different references in the paper and all references listed on your reference page must be properly cited in your Review of Literature section.

Formatting Guidelines

  • 5 pages typed; double-spaced (Title page, 3 pages of literature review/conclusions, Reference page = 5 pages)
  • APA style writing guidelines
  • Times New Roman font, 12 point
  • 1-inch margins all around
  • 8-1/2” x 11” paper
  • Minimum of 5 different sources (each reference can only be used once)