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Disease Prevention Teaching Project

Step 1: Choose a community health agency (day care, church, school, clinic, homeless shelter).

Step 2: Review Table 1-1 (p. 49) of Community/Public Health Nursing and the results of your windshield survey completed in Week 2.

From the results of your windshield survey, you will identify a health issue facing the community. You will prepare an outline for a teaching project surrounding the issue, which you would present to your selected agency about this issue.

Assess the community for:

  • Healthy food option
  • Boundaries
  • Housing and zoning
  • Open space
  • Commons
  • Transportation
  • Social service centers
  • Stores, businesses, and industries
  • Street people and animals
  • Condition of the area
  • Race, culture, and ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Health indicators and morbidity
  • Politics
  • Media
  • Signs of decay
  • Crime rate
  • Employment rate
  • Schools
  • Environmental factors
  • Public services (fire, police)

Step 3: Recommend an appropriate disease prevention teaching project that could be offered by your chosen agency for the local community.

Prepare a 750-word summary of the teaching project. Include the following:

  • Summarize the public health issues facing the selected community.
  • Select 1 issue and prepare an outline of the problem or issue faced.
  • Explain how your selected agency could address the issue.
  • Prepare an outline of a disease prevention teaching project that could be offered by your agency.