Students will select a relevant health topic for their Term Papers. The TPshould be (a) a minimum of 8 pages in length (written narrative) with (b) a separate unnumbered cover page and (c) a 9th (last) page containing a minimum of five references for current professional journal articles (2016-2022 only).
Submit the TP by e-mail by 9:00 am EDT, Thurs., Mar. 31, 2022. On that day, students (a) will make a brief presentation of their work to the class, (b) submit a link to one current, related professional journal article and (c) submit two essay questions and brief answers related to the article.
ACCEPTABLE SOURCES for the TP and HW assignments are current professional journal articles, global, national and/or community or governmental sources; professional associations’ sources.
Sources that are NOT ACCEPTABLE for TP and HW are popular sourcessuch as Wikipedia, WebMD, University health newsletters, magazines, newspapers, brochures, etc.
I. Begin the TP with a brief Introduction, including a brief description of the health issue, statistics/trends (i.e., who is affected), how people are affected, risk factors and, if relevant, definitions.
II. Next, the majority of the TP should focus on the DPHP aspects of the health issue – NOT the medical aspects.
III. You must include the following:
(A) Specific Healthy People 2030 health objectives related to your health issue;
(B) A discussion of one DPHP theory or model as it applies to your health issue;
(C) A minimum of two DPHP programs/interventions at two different levels (see the Spectrum of Prevention and/or ecological model) to prevent or manage the health issue. In addition, you may wish to include some or all of the following: Related policies/laws, advocacy, ethical concerns.