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Discussion Board Assignment 3.2 
Using specific examples, discuss the following in 4-6 paragraphs:
  • How have you observed or experienced stressful events in later life?
Assignment 3.3 
Research and write a 3-4 page paper in APA format on divorce and its aftermath.
All APA papers in your CYFS Program must include the following:
  • Title page
  • Running heads
  • Page numbers
  • Abstract
  • In-text citations
  • A reference page
All of these components must follow APA guidelines. In addition, papers should be double-spaced. They should include references. A general rule of thumb is one reference for each page in the body of your paper.

Discussion Board Assignment 4.1 

Your text discusses the subsystems present in stepfamilies. In 4-6 paragraphs research and discuss the following:
  • How the subsystems in stepfamilies interact with each other.
  • Information regarding the divorce rate in stepfamilies.
Discussion Board Requirements:
  • The initial posting is due Thursday. Responses are due Saturday.
  • The initial post must be 4-6 paragraphs.
  • All information gathered from sources must be cited in APA format.

Discussion Board Assignment 4.2 

Your text has an in-depth discussion of resilience and the stepfamily.. Choose 3 of the 7 characteristics of a resilient stepfamily (listed below) and, in 4-6 paragraphs, discuss the importance of each characteristic you chose with examples.
  1. Realistic and positive expectations
  2. Clear roles and boundaries
  3. Open, clear communication and empathy
  4. Flexibility
  5. Bonding and relationship building
  6. Strong social support systems
  7. Positive co-parenting relationships

Discussion Board Assignment 4.3

In 4-6 paragraphs, discuss the barriers and stressors that members of immigrant families experience.
Discussion Board Requirements:
  • The initial posting is due Thursday. Responses are due Saturday.
  • The initial post must be 4-6 paragraphs.
Assignment 4.4 
Research and write a 2-3 page paper in APA format on the importance of acculturation and adaptation for immigrants.
All APA papers in your CYFS Program must include the following:
  • Title page
  • Running heads
  • Page numbers
  • Abstract
  • In-text citations
  • A reference page
All of these components must follow APA guidelines. In addition, papers are to be double-spaced. They should include references. A general rule of thumb is one reference for each page in the body of your paper.