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discuss how you think Popular Culture is helping fight against racism or sexism

Question: Using examples of Popular Culture, discuss how you think Popular Culture is helping fight against racism or sexism OR how you think, Popular Culture is contributing towards racism or sexism! DO NOT DISCUSS BOTH. This is your opinion.

Think about how the death of George Floyd (you can choose another incident that has affected you) affected your life and your thoughts on racism?  YOU MAY ALSO decide to write an essay about how you feel Popular Culture has CONTRIBUTED to racism…the choice is yours and will depend on if you see pop culture as positive or negative when it comes to social issues.  Please ensure you have a clear thesis/argument.

Please note: This is a personal 10 mark essay.  Proper in text citation must be used as well as a works cited page MUST be included should you use any ideas outside of your own minds.  This essay should be approx.. 2-4 pages double spaced! APA format.

Reference page to follow your essay

Feel free to use the weekly readings as sources in your essay


Content: 6

Grammar/sentence structure 4