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Development and Global Inequalities

Inequality is now an endemic part of our society – globally, nationally, and locally. Across all spheres of human society, inequality is said to be increasing. Lecture #3 introduced geographies of global inequalities and Chapter 3, “Uneven Development and Global Inequalities”, of the course textbook discussed why inequality is increasing, consequences, and policy measures to address inequalities.



Lab #3 provides students with an opportunity to think more deeply about inequalities and explore the United Nations’ Human Development Reports.


As a result of completing this lab, students will:

  1. Demonstrate awareness of geographical diversity through knowledge of different places and understanding of the processes that shape them spatially and over time.
  2. Locate, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of scholarly sources to support arguments and claims.
  3. Communicate findings clearly, effectively, and succinctly.



  1. Select two countries from different continents and different levels of economic development, and select one of the following topics to write your essay on:
    1. Human Development Index (HDI)
    2. Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IDHI)
    3. Gender Development Index (GDI)
    4. Gender Inequality Index (GII)
    5. Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
  2. Review the “Technical notes” document to learn how your selected human development indicator (i.e., your selected topic) is calculated. Compare the indictor values listed for your two selected countries in the most recently calculated year (i.e., 2019).
  3. Use the Western Libraries website to research the observable patterns in your selected human development indicator within your two selected countries and possible measures to address the problem.
  4. Write a 500-word research essay that addresses the following research questions and adheres to the essay structure outlined below. Students are required to support their arguments with scholarly evidence and cite their credible sources in APA format.
    1. Short introduction
      1. What is your selected human development indicator?
      2. What are your two selected countries?
    2. Body paragraphs
      1. What are the observable patterns in your selected human development indicator within your two selected countries in the most recently calculated year (i.e., 2019)?
      2. Why are there inequalities between your two countries based on your selected indicator?
      3. What is one possible measure to address the problem?
    3. Short conclusion
      1. Why is it critical to address inequalities?
  5. Submit your Lab #3 submission for grading by uploading your .docx or .pdf file here.



Students are expected to write in proper essay format. This means that you are required to write using full, complete sentences (i.e., no bullet points) and properly formatted paragraphs. A paragraph is usually three or more sentences in length and probably not more than nine or ten. A paragraph may, however, be only one sentence or it may constitute several pages of sentences. Be certain that your paragraphing is appropriate for the ordering and impact of your thoughts. If you are uncertain, consult a writing guide.


The maximum word count for this assignment is 500 words. All written assignments in this course will adhere to a ‘10% rule’, meaning that if you are 10% under or over the word count limit, marks will not be deducted from your assignment. Your title, name, sub-titles (should you choose to use them), and reference list do not count towards your word limit; however, in-text citations and essay text do count within the 500-word limit. Please use 1-inch margins (i.e., the default margin setting on Microsoft Word); double space; and use a standard, 12-point, black font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.


Students are welcome to use as many resources as needed to sufficiently support their arguments with scholarly evidence. The following is a list of credible sources that are acceptable to consult in this course:

  • Academic, peer-reviewed journal articles and books (you can use the Western Library website, Google Scholar, and/or consult a librarian to help you locate these resources)
  • Our course textbook, Human Geography
  • Municipal, provincial, and federal government reports and websites
  • Intergovernmental organizations’ reports and website (e.g., United Nations)
  • Non-governmental organizations’ reports and websites (e.g., World Wildlife Fund)
  • Articles from credible newspapers (e.g., National Geographic)


Wikipedia, blogs, social media content, and websites that do not meet the criteria listed above are not acceptable to use in this course. If you find a resource that does not meet the criteria listed above, but you think it is credible and you would like to use it for your assignment, please arrange a meeting with your TA during their office hours to discuss further.


All dates, statistics, questionable facts, and ideas other than your own must be referenced. It is better to over-reference than neglect to do so and run the risk of plagiarism. Students are expected to follow APA formatting for all referencing. APA format includes the use of in-text citations and a reference list. Both direct quotations (i.e., the direct transfer of five or more words from a source to your text) and paraphrased material (i.e., re-wording of something written or spoken by someone else) require an in-text citation. Any resources that have been cited in-text must also appear in the reference list; however, only resources that are cited in your assignment should be included in your reference list. If you are uncertain, consult a referencing guide.


In addition to the instructions above, please ensure that your assignment:

  1. Has a creative title
  2. Includes your first and last name, your student number, and your lab section number
  3. Is submitted as either a .docx or .pdf file