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Describe your personal theoretical orientation

This assignment requires that you write a 12-15 page paper that describes your personal theoretical orientation. You have the option of integrating multiple theories OR using a single theory approach. Your approach should develop from extensive self-reflection, thoughts of your personal goals in counseling, and a review of all theories covered in this course. Additionally, you need to consider the cultural implications and potential limitations of your approach as well as how you would rectify these limitations with a client. This paper should demonstrate your defense on how your theoretical approach is ideal when working with clients. This paper should address each of the following aspects: Key concepts and tenets of the integrated theory Your role as a counselor Therapeutic goals Key interventions, techniques, approaches, or methods Cultural implications of using this theory with diverse clientele Potential limitations Any ethical considerations that may arise from your approach Relevance of working specifically with people with trauma References (at least 5 peer-reviewed sources) As part of your paper, you should also introduce a small case study using your theoretical orientation. You do NOT have to act it out. This case study also does not need to be based on a real client. The case study should offer information on the following: Client’s presenting problem(s), brief family history, and relevant demographic considerations Conceptualization of the case from the selected theoretical approach, including your idea of a potential treatment plan for the client One sample interaction between the counselor and client (no more than one page double-spaced) in transcript format—should demonstrate theoretical orientation

I have provided a couple of pages. Please follow directions. the theories I wold like to talk about is 
person centered, reality thearpy, family systems approach and cognitive therapy.  please incoporate all of them into the paper as stated above. ALL PAPERS MUST BE IN APA FORMAT (12 PT FONT, COVER PAGE, REFERENCE LIST, HEADERS, PAGE NUMBERS, 1” MARGINS, ETC.)
