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creating a database for a construction/retail Company.

For thicreating a database for a construction/retail Company.s project you will be creating a database for a construction/retail Company. The company wants to automate some services, so you are tasked to architect the database.
1. How to submit your assignment:
a. This individual assignment will be submitted in report format.
b. The submission must have the following:
i. A cover sheet with your name, and your database name.
ii. The project requirements below.
c. The assignment is due no later than the date identified in the Moodle announcement. You cannot start on project 2 until this project has been completed. A minimum sore of a 60 is required on this project before you can start project 2.
2. The project requirements:
a. Determine the entities (tables) that will be needed. You can use the sheet similar to the sheet we used in class. A blank sheet is available on Moodle. You will need around 7 – 10 tables to properly complete this project.
b. For each table, list all of the data elements that will be needed. Make sure all data elements are broken down to its smallest component, but not more, or less, than 3rd normal form. . Having one or two attributes for a table will not work. You must have enough attributes to adequately describe the entity.
c. The data dictionary that outlines ALL of your data elements. A blank excel spreadsheet is available on Moodle.
d. Create an entity relationship diagram for your database. No hand drawn diagrams will be accepted. There are several software programs that can assist. You can use Microsoft Visio, Oracle Data Modeler, or Erwin Data Modeler. DO NOT use Microsoft SQL server for project 1, as your project will not be accepted.
e. Identify primary/foreign keys for the tables.
3. Company Information:
a. The company has the following characteristics:
i. Two retail stores sell to the general public
ii. The construction side of the company has the following
1. Three crews. Each crew has the following personnel
a. 1 electrician b. 1 plumber c. 1. HVAC
2. Two inspectors
3. One director
4. Two schedulers
iii. The company has 2 locations, and a warehouse that serves all sites and construction crews.
CIS111 Database Development Project 3
iv. The retail stores have one owner, 2 branch managers, 4 cashiers, 2 Chefs, 4 Stock personnel, and 2 administrative assistants (one per location). The employees are distributed equally between the two locations. The owner sits at the main branch.
1. NOTE. The Owner and branch managers have a yearly salary. $100K each, paid on a monthly schedule, all have no overtime available.
2. All others are paid hourly, $15 per hour, all are full time, with Overtime available.
v. They receive products from 6 different suppliers and sell to retail customers, along with supplying the work crews.
4. Automation:
a. The company wants to automate the following functions:
i. The incoming supplies
ii. The construction invoices (please review the customer sales invoice)
iii. Retail sales invoice (please review the supplier invoice)
iv. Employee information including payroll
v. Customer information
The project contents, drawing and documentation are due per Moodle announcement. You cannot start project 2 without submitting project 1 and received a grade over 60%. You can submit earlier for review, but keep in mind the review submissions need to be soon enough so I have several days to evaluate and send back so you can make changes prior to the due date. Sending the project for my review does not change the required due date. This is an individual project. Similar submission will receive a zero.