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covered in the Strategic Management Inputs

This is an individual task.

  1. This assessment activity relates to the topics covered in the Strategic Management Inputs in the unit (Weeks 1-3). Students will be provided initial information on an industry and a company or companies in that industry. Students will for the selected company students will prepare a report covering
  2. The external environment of the industry
  3. The industry competitive environment, and competitor analysis
  4. The internal environment of the selected firm: resources, capabilities and core competencies
  5. The industry sector and companies will be discussed in week 2 of the course. Offerings in different states may be using different companies and industries. The industry & company information for your campus appears in Attachment 1
  6. While the three questions each deal with key aspects of the strategic context. It is important that the report has a cohesive structure and line of argument. As such addition to marks awarded for each question, there are also marks awarded for the executive summary, introduction and conclusion, linking the report together.
  7. Full referencing in line with Stotts College/ Acknowledge Education requirements is needed. Note that there is no minimum number of academic references required, and it is acceptable to rely on the theories, frameworks and models used in the textbook. However, all academic sources (including the textbook) and all business, governmentand professional sources need to be referenced
  8. This is a short report. It will not be possible to provide a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the strategic context within the word limit. It is important that in your introduction you have a statement of purpose that outlines the focus & structure of your report.
  9. In answering the questions, students should focus on what they consider to be the key aspects of the strategic context issues they are addressing, rather than providing comprehensive coverage of all aspects.
  10. The report structure outlined in the next section of this guide should be followed.
  11. The Executive Summary may be a numbered list and is not included in the word count.
  12. Tables can be used in addition to the word count, and if used should be included in an Appendix.