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Comparison of luxury perceptions of generation X and Y consumers – literature review

  1. 1 Definition of luxury

Definition of term luxury – definition of the concept from several sources


1.2 Generational theory

Definition of the generational theory from several sources


1.3 Generation X

Who they are – what type of consumers they are (their relationship with media, brand loyalty)


1.4 Generation X and Generation Y as a key market for luxury

Cite several sources


1.5 Luxury value perceptions

Cite several sources;

Review on existing literature by Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebels (2007)

+ add the conceptual model from Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebe (2007)


1.5.1 The financial dimension of luxury value

  • Price value


1.5.2 Functional dimension of luxury value

  • Usability value
  • Quality value
  • Uniqueness value


1.5.3 The individual dimension of luxury value

  • Self-identity value
  • Hedonic value
  • Materialistic value


1.5.4 The social dimension of luxury value

  • Conspicuousness value
  • Prestige value

1.6 Generational marketing

Definition of generational marketing – benefit of segmenting by generation for marketers. Cite several sources


1.7 Outcome of the literature review

I need someone to write the literature review of my thesis.
You can find in the attached file the plan of my literature review. It needs to be respected.
The literature should be around 15 pages. Since it is a literature review, please cite a maximum of authors.
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