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Comparative and International Policy V182 Comparative and International Policy Afoaku Answer question #1 and two additional questions on the list. Points will be awarded for thoroughness, clarity and good organization. Limit the length of each essay to 3 to 3.5 double-spaced pages. To avoid plagiarism, be sure to cite your sources properly throughout your essays. Copying and pasting the instructor’s notes or the text book is not acceptable. In other words, you are strongly advised to express yourself in your own words. Question #1 is worth 40% and the rest of the questions are worth 30% each. DUE DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 9:00 pm ET. PLEASE, SUBMIT YOUR EXAM ON CANVAS. NO EMAILS!!!1. Explain the meaning of cross-national policy learning with reference to the United States and Western European countries. Second, discuss the benefits of cross-national policy learning. Thirdly, with reference to any policy issue discussed in class, discuss why it is often difficult for American policy makers to apply this principle. Be sure to specify the factors that militate against cross-national policy learning in the American public policy system.2. Explain the meaning of the term political regime. Which of the political regimes discussed in class would you associate with the United States and Britain? Secondly, discuss the main differences between the American and British political systems with reference to election of the Chief Executive and legislature. Finally, discuss the effect of party discipline on how law makers vote in the British parliament and US Congress. 3. Explain the meanings of the term “welfare state” from the perspectives of the liberal and social democratic welfare state models. Be sure to discuss the social vision or ideology associated with each model. Finally, with reference to childcare compare the roles played by the state and private sector in the provision of goods and services in the context of each welfare state system. 4. Explain the terms ‘spheres of well-being’ and ‘decommodification’ in the context of Sweeden’s social democratic welfare state. Secondly, explain how a Swedish social democrat would justify decommodification of childcare. Thirdly, suggest how a liberal democrat at Washington would approach the same issue. Based on class discussion, be sure to suggest in detail reasons why US policy makers would apply or reject decommodification as a public policy principle. 5. Provide a brief explanation of the term postindustrialism as discussed in class. Second, discuss in detail the changes associated with this phenomenon in the context of advanced industrial democracies. Finally, discuss the effect of postindustrialism on the voting behavior of the middle class in those countries. Be sure to specify policy issues that appeal to the middle class and their preferred methods of putting those issues on government agenda.