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Community Health Needs Assessment

Choose a community of interest or a vulnerable population in a wide range of settings.

My selection is the vulnerable population of geriatrics (older adults) living with dementia.

Perform a community health needs assessment and complete an analysis reflecting on the theoretical framework of vulnerability, the related literature, and published data and statistics.

Compose your paper using the following guidelines:

  • Describe the vulnerable population of interest, including the geographic location of the population (in their homes, nursing home facilities).
  • Discuss the model or theoretical framework used to assess the epidemiological, biostatistical, occupational, and environmental factors that classify the population as vulnerable.
  • Analyze the primary health-related problems faced by the population.
  • Describe the health inequalities and disparities found in the population.
  • Explain the strengths or limitation of resources available to the population.
  • Explore and propose nursing leadership roles in planning a significant health promotion or disease prevention for the population.

Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length, supported by at least 2–3 appropriately cited scholarly resources, and adhere to current APA Style. Add a title page, headings, and a reference list.