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When you click on this source, please note I am asking you to read many links within this link. So please go to NAMI Treatments (Links to an external site.)
then click on the different treatments and approaches.
Also, Find reading on your own to fully answer this question. – uSING THIS SITE AND

Write a formal APA two page paper discussing the following:
Summarize 5 common current treatments for major psychological disorders.
When you click on this source, please note THERE ARE many links within this link. So please go to NAMI Treatments
then click on the different treatments and approaches.
Also, Find reading on your own to fully answer this question.

Rubric – Please scroll down and read the rubric which denotes specific grading criteria.
Summary of TX for Major Disorders
Criteria Ratings Pts
Summarize 5 common current treatments for major psychological disorders.

25 to >17.0 pts

5 major treatments for 5 disorders clearly summarized.

17 to >10.0 pts

5 major treatments are provided but summarization not clear for all.

10 to >0.0 pts

To Improve
Improvement Less than 5 major treatments identified and/or summarizations for most are unclear.

0 pts

Summaries of 5 major treatments are missing.
25 pts
Writing quality

8 pts

Writing uses academic language, paragraphs are developed and transition to one another. The paper is fluid and well written, very good work. 2 full pages are present.

5 pts

Sentences are well done. Some paragraphs are present, but please ensure one main thought per paragraph; and or ensure paragraphs transition to one another for fluidity of thought. Or the writing is of quality with minimal errors however, the paper is less than 2 pages.

2 pts

To Improve
Writing clarity is needed. Please visit the library for resources to assist with writing at the college level. I do appreciate a paper was turned in.
8 pts
APA citations

7 pts

Citations are present in-text supporting academic thoughts. A reference page is also present mirroring the citations within the paper, fantastic work!

4 pts

Citations are present, great start. Please work on APA formatting as this is required in the field of social sciences.

2 pts

To Improve
Full citations are present, however in-text support is absent. Please note without in-text support content taken from a source is plagiarism, even if there is a full reference page. Please correct moving forward.

0 pts

No Marks
Citations are absent. Please note when you take content from a source and do not cite it, it is plagiarism.
7 pts
Total Points: 40