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Circles of Sexuality Essay

  • Students will write a reflective essay about their own growth & life experiences, based on the five “Circles of Sexuality” model presented in class.
  • Each Circle section should be at least 1 page, so the essay will be at least 5-7 pages (double spaced) in 12 pt Times New Roman
  • Identify each of the Circles & Sub-Constructs you address using the headings seen in the example below
  • For each Circle, pick two of the Sub-Constructs for that Circle and discuss your own personal development in those specific areas. (For example, for the Sensuality circle you can choose 2 out of the following choices: body image, pleasure, skin hunger, physical attraction, or fantasy – refer to the Circles of Sexuality PowerPoint & reading). Each of the Sub-Constructs selected should be clearly identified using the headings seen in the example below
  • This paper is reflective, so it should be written in first person. You do not need to define the sub-constructs; I know what they are and what they mean!


*sentence stating which the two sub-constructs you will be discussing*

Sub-construct chosen #1

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Sub-construct chosen #2

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Sexual Intimacy

* sentence stating which the two sub-constructs you will be discussing *

Sub-construct chosen #1

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Sub-construct chosen #2

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Sexual Identity

* sentence stating which the two sub-constructs you will be discussing *

Sub-construct chosen #1

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Sub-construct chosen #2

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Reproduction & Sexual Health

* sentence stating which the two sub-constructs you will be discussing *

Sub-construct chosen #1

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Sub-construct chosen #2

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*


* sentence stating which the two sub-constructs you will be discussing *

Sub-construct chosen #1

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*

Sub-construct chosen #2

            *info about this sub-construct and how you reflect on it in your personal life*