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Using the Assignment Rubric listed below for the specific grading criteria, develop a written paper addressing the following:
Carrefour is a French owned hypermarket operating in many locations around the world. Consider Carrefour in the United States when you, as a customer, judge the quality of the hypermarket.
In a written paper, explain how quality is evaluated, and the role of technology in the customer perception of quality. Compare Carrefour’s quality and technology to another hypermarket in the area. Order the following criteria as most to least important for the successful operation of a hypermarket, and for a different industry (not a hypermarket) and explain why there are any differences and the implications for operations:
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Forecasting
  • Capacity planning
  • Location
  • Inventory management
  • Store layout
  • Scheduling
Using course material concepts, principles, and theories which require supporting citations along with scholarly, peer-reviewed references to support your academic analysis. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be located through the Davenport University Library Research Portal by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.
Assignment Rubric
Due by Day 7, 11:59pm ET
Click the assignment-title link above to submit.