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This assignment has three purposes: (1) to encourage in-depth review of class readings; (2) to develop your critical thinking skills regarding international relations theories and events; and (3) to improve your analytical skills for a coherent essay that incorporates scholarly sources. Please answer every part of the question. To answer the question, please implement theories, concepts, and empirical examples to support your reasoning.


Question: Can the United Nations lead state or non-state actors to comply with international human rights law? Explain why or why not. chose only yes or no.



  • Seven pages (excluding references), typed, double-spaced, in twelve-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins

  • Insert page numbers on the bottom

  • Write your name at the end of the paper



  • Students may use whatever citation format they are comfortable with, but all exams must include citations. Please refer to various Citation Styles. At the end of the reference list, please indicate which citation style is used. Citations and references should be formatted correctly. Each citation has a matching reference. When more than three citation and reference formatting errors are noted, one point of the total grade will be deducted.

  • Please cite written references (thus, avoid directly quoting course slides).

  • You may cite relevant sources outside of course readings.


 Grading Rubric (Total: 25)


Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement








Consistency & Organization

Essay contains a strong and consistent argument. Introduction clearly lays out a main argument and gives an outline of what the reader can expect in the essay.  Conclusion nicely summarizes the main argument and evidence. Body paragraphs each work to advance the argument and are directly connected to the thesis through strong topic sentences. Essay is clearly organized and makes strong transitions between paragraphs. Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence.

Essay contains a clear argument. Argument mostly makes logical sense and is consistent. Introduction attempts to lay out a main argument and gives an outline of what the reader can expect in the essay. Thesis statement is referenced again in the conclusion. Body paragraphs are connected to the thesis, though not always tied perfectly to it. Essay is well-organized and uses some transitions between paragraphs. Each paragraph has a topic sentence.

Essay contains an understandable argument with limited consistency. Introduction gives the reader an idea of what to expect in the paper, but does not effectively lay out the main argument. It may begin with a set of rhetorical questions, or an anecdote that is never fully explained. Body paragraphs are somewhat tangential to the thesis and do not demonstrate clearly how they advance the argument. Essay has some problems with its organization and lacks transitions. It could be structured more logically. Most paragraphs have a topic sentence.

Author attempts to make an argument, but the argument is not clearly or directly developed. Thesis is difficult to discern. Essay is not organized logically. Body paragraphs do not seem connected to the argument. Essay frequently goes on non-related tangents. Some paragraphs lack topic sentences.

Essay is off-topic. Limited attempt is made to articulate an argument. Essay lacks consistency. Essay has no clear organizational pattern or flow and is functionally incomplete. Many paragraphs lack topic sentences.







Theoretical Explanation

Essay contains strong, clear, concise theoretical analysis throughout the paper with a sophisticated understanding of the key concepts. Theoretical explanation strongly supports the author’s main argument.

Essay contains developed theoretical analysis with some solid understanding of the concepts, though understanding may not be fully clear. Theoretical explanation supports the author’s main argument.

Essay contains theoretical analysis that is somewhat developed, although lacking clarity, precision, effectiveness. Essay demonstrates a foundational but not deep understanding of the concepts. Theoretical explanation partially supports the author’s main argument.

Essay contains very little theoretical analysis with a lack of clarity, cohesion, or effectiveness. Essay demonstrates only a shallow understanding of the concepts. Theoretical explanation rarely supports the author’s main argument.

Essay contains superficial theoretical analysis without understanding of the concepts. Theoretical explanation does not support the author’s main argument.







Integration of Empirical Examples

Author provides compelling and accurate empirical evidence that convinces readers to accept the main argument. Essay strongly and consistently supports the argument with in-depth analysis of empirical examples.

Case studies are enough to support an argument. Essay includes some empirical examples with effective analys