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Business Philosophy Review

You will select a book (fiction or non-fiction with instructor pre-approval), read it, and complete a two-page analysis. The analysis should go beyond a book report – provide an analysis of how the literature informed or inspired you as an aspiring leader (personally and/or professionally).

The intended value of encompassing literature in the course is that the literature may aid you in applying meaning to your experiences where you can make connections about the ideas that are being written.  In your response, I ask you to address:

  • The value of leadership for the hospitality profession.
  • Consider – how did the leadership literature story inform your future as an aspiring professional.
  • This should be a two-page paper – make sure you use APA formatting (Times New Roman, Double-Space, 12 pt. Font).
    • Provide a reference page.
    • Make at least one connection to one additional resource – i.e. course material, reading, etc.
The book I chose is Four Seasons The story of a Business Philosophy by Isadore Sharp