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Please research and identify an existing company which, in your opinion, is consumer focused and summarize core marketing principles which have developed and implemented by the company.  Additionally, identify its products/services and key marketing principles being used to support it efforts.

Your paper should identify the following:

  • – Summary of the company, including products/services
  • – Industry it competes
  • – Key Competitors
  • – Key Marketing Challenges/Issues
  • – Core Marketing Principles – Be Specific
  • – How Principles used to Address Key Issues – Be Specific
  • – Business Impact/Implications
  • – Key Conclusions
  • – Your Final Assessment

You can identify a company by referring to any business publication or via the internet.  It’s your responsibility to dive deeply into this case and provide a thorough summary and analysis based on the outline above and concepts discussed this semester.

This is an INDIVIDUAL case assignment and should be well thought out, logical, professional.

Additionally, your paper should include the following:

  • – Cover page with the title of the case
  • – Include a list of references at the end of the report, if any
  • – Your report must have page numbers and leave 1” space on all sides
The length of your case report should be commensurate with the number and nature of issues involved. This will vary from case to case.