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book review on leadership simple
In body of your review consider addressing some of the questions below:
 a. How much does the book agree or clash with your view of the world, and what you
consider right and wrong? Use quotes as examples of how it agrees with and supports what
you think about the world, about right and wrong, and about what you think it is to be
human. Use quotes and examples to discuss how the text agrees or disagrees with what you
think about the world, history, and about right and wrong.
 b How were your views and opinions challenged or changed by this text, if at all? Did
the text communicate with you? Why or why not? Give examples of how your views might have
changed or been strengthened (or perhaps, of why the text failed to convince you, the way it is).
Please do not write “I agree with everything the author wrote,” since everybody disagrees about
something, even if it is a tiny point. Use quotes to illustrate your points of challenge, or where
you were persuaded, or where it left you cold.
 c. How well does the book address things that you, personally, care about and consider
important to the world? How does it relate to things that are important to your family, your
community, your ethnic group, to people of your economic or social class or background, or your
faith tradition? If not, who does or did the text serve? Did it pass the “Who cares?” test? Use
quotes to illustrate.
 d. Reading “critically” does not mean the same thing as “criticizing,” in everyday language
(complaining or griping, fault-finding, nit-picking). Your “critique” can and should be
positive and praise the book as much as possible, as well as pointing out any possible
problems, disagreements and shortcomings.
 e. To sum up, what is your overall reaction to the text? To whom would you recommend
this text? Would you read something else like this, or by this same author, in the future or
not? Why or why not?