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  1. How play connects to learning resource website by NAEYC Link (Links to an external site.) includes resources and articles about the benefits of play based learning.

Santrock, J.W. (2023). A Topical Approach to Lifespan Development (11th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.

In-Text Citations & Reference Page Guidance for Videos

In-text citations:


Here’s the general format for creating a reference for a video found on YouTube and other video-posting websites:

  • If both the real name of the person who posted the video and the screen name are known:

Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxx

  • If only the screen name of the person who posted the video is known:

Screen name. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxx The in-text citations include the author name outside of brackets (whichever that may be) and the date.

In essay format, analyze the importance of play in early childhood by answering the following questions. Refer to the textbook, articles and videos. Afterwards, write an analysis of the benefits of play in relation to an observation. Provide your analysis related to the implementation of play based learning in early childhood educational settings.

Part I – Benefits of Play Analysis


  1. Discuss the developmental functions of play in early childhood.
  2. Discuss some of the different kinds of play behaviors that you would expect to see as an observer at a preschool.
  3. With reference to research findings, present your views on whether you would approve of your young child watching several hours of television per day. What are some potential positive and negative outcomes associated with television watching in early childhood?
  4. Part II – Observation Analysis
  5. One of the ways to learn about a young child’s development is through naturalistic observation. This assignment requires that you observe one video in the educational environment for children between the ages 2-5 years while they are engaged in play. Include your observation notes which should reflect the information analyzed in the following questions. Also include the link to the video.
  6. Questions
  1. A synthesis of the types of play you observed in relation to the different theories mentioned with examples from your observation notes
  2. What can Early Childhood Educators do to foster healthy physical, cognitive and social/emotional development in early childhood.

Submission Details

Submit your assignment online via canvas. You can upload a word or pdf document or you can type in the text box. You can submit multiple documents.

Your essay needs to include a Cover page, 5 pages of content, In-text citations within the paper, a reference page, 12 font, Times New Roman font, double spaced, intro & conclusion paragraphs.

Make sure to upload the notes from the observation and include the link to the video.

Grading Rubric

  • APA Format (Cover Page, Reference Page, font (Times new roman), double space, essay format, in-text citations, reference page) (10 pts)
  • Introductory Paragraph (5 pts)
  • Part I – Benefits of Play Analysis (40 pts)

    1. Discuss the developmental functions of play in early childhood. (15 pts)
    2. Discuss some of the different kinds of play behaviors that you would expect to see as an observer at a preschool. (15 pts)
    3. With reference to research findings, present your views on whether you would approve of your young child watching several hours of television per day. What are some potential positive and negative outcomes associated with television watching in early childhood? (10 pts)
  • Part II – Observation Analysis (40 pts)

    1. A synthesis of the types of play you observed in relation to the different theories mentioned with examples from your observation notes (20 pts)
    2. What can Early Childhood Educators do to foster healthy physical, cognitive and social/emotional development in early childhood (10 pts)
    3. Link to the video observed (10 pts)
  • Conclusion Paragraph (5 pts)
  • Total Points – 100 points

About the Benefits of Play Analysis and Observation Midterm Paper

The development of play is an important milestone in early childhood. Play holds a crucial role in providing a safe, caring, protective, confidential, and containing space where children can recreate themselves and their experiences through an exploratory process (Winnicott, 1942; Erikson, 1963).

During this stage, pretend play is a great way for children to express their thoughts, emotions, fears, and anxieties. Early childhood play can be understood by observing the elements of fantasy, organization, and comfort. Fantasy, the process of make-believe, is an essential behavior the child engages in during pretend play; organization helps the child to structure pretend play into a story and to utilize cause-and-effect thinking; and comfort is used to assess the ease and pleasure in the engagement in play.[3] (Links to an external site.)

As children progress through the stage of early childhood, they also progress through several stages of non-social and social play. Stages of play is a theory and classification of participation in play developed by Mildred Parten Newhall in 1929. Parten observed American children at free play. She recognized six different types of play:

  • Unoccupied play – when the child is not playing, just observing. A child may be standing in one spot or performing random movements.
  • Solitary (independent) play – when the child is alone and maintains focus on their activity. Such a child is uninterested in or is unaware of what others are doing. More common in young children (age 2–3) as opposed to older ones.
  • Onlooker play  – when the child watches others at play but does not engage in it. The child may engage in forms of social interaction, such as conversation about the play, without actually joining in the activity. This type of activity is also more common in younger children.
  • Parallel play (adjacent play) – when the child plays separately from others but close to them and mimicking their actions. This type of play is seen as a transitory stage from a socially immature solitary and onlooker type of play, to a more socially mature associative and cooperative type of play.
  • Associative play – when the child is interested in the people playing but not in coordinating their activities with those people, or when there is no organized activity at all. There is a substantial amount of interaction involved, but the activities are not in sync.
  • Cooperative play – when a child is interested both in the people playing and in the activity they are doing. In cooperative play, the activity is organized, and participants have assigned roles. There is also increased self-identification with a group, and a group identity may emerge. This is more common toward the end of the early childhood stage. Examples would be dramatic play activities with roles, like playing school, or a game with rules, such as freeze tag.

Video (Children playing) –

Include observation notes and link of vdieo in essay.