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Air Cargo

Assignment: Air Freight Infographic historical development of air cargo

Assignment Overview

In the last module, you submitted your infographic on rail. In this module, you will submit a separate infographic with the third of the modes – aviation, specifically on air cargo. Remember that this infographic is for the Director of the Department of Transportation so it should be professional looking and informative.

Your task is to create an infographic that summarizes:

  • The historical development of air cargo
  • The characteristics of air cargo

Refer to the Infographic Guidelines page for more information and an example of a completed infographic for inspiration.


Your infographic will be graded using the infographic rubric.

You will download your infographic as a .png file. To submit your infographic, upload the .png in the submission window. Access this Piktochart Support page (Piktochart) (Links to an external site.) for help with submitting your infographic.