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Analytical Review of a selected public health or healthcare topic

An 8-10 page analytical review of a selected public health or healthcare topic. The purpose of the analytical review is to allow students to develop skills in obtaining and interpreting studies/papers in order to describe a current public health or healthcare issue as well as to build an argument for a proposed solution to this issue. For example, the analytical review could describe inequities in access to primary care among Black individuals and how a specific policy may work to reduce these disparities.

The review paper should clearly state the issue, discuss background information on the issue, indicate a “working diagnosis” about the causative factors for the problem or about potential solutions, review literature related to that topic, and provide an overall conclusion and policy (or practice) implications. The literature review should consist of a summary and discussion of the literature on that topic rather than a list of papers/studies on the topic. The review should be focused on data and findings from reputable sources, such as papers in published journals.

The paper will be graded out of 100 points as defined below, and additional details on the Analytical Review are available in the “Assignments” tab in BlackBoard. Paper topics must be submitted for approval by 11:59 pm on 03/22/22 through BlackBoard, and the final paper is due by 11:59 pm on 04/26/22 through BlackBoard.

Area Points
Content (Abstract: 5, Introduction: 5, Framework: 5, Literature review: 25, Conclusions / policy implications: 5) 45
Clarity and flow of writing 10
Support for argument/conclusions 10
Originality 10
Grammar 10
Proper citation (AMA or APA format) and number of citations 10
Submission of topic on time (by 4/26) 5
Total 100
Writing: One of the most important skills for health professionals is the ability to communicate well both verbally and in writing. For that reason, grammar and writing style will be a part of the grade for written work in this course.

The final paper should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font. The Analytical Review must be written using either AMA (American Medical Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) writing style, not MLA style. The following websites have information on these styles.

AMA reference style:

APA reference style:

In the U.S., breast cancer is ranked as the second leading cause of death among women and it is diagnosed most commonly next to skin cancer (2). While it is one of the top leading causes of death in women, African American women have a much higher breast cancer mortality rate than white women. Generally, only 13% of women will develop breast cancer in their lifespan according to the American Cancer Society (2).

African American women’s incidence of breast cancer is slightly lower than White women at 126.5 per 100,000 to 130.1 in White women, but the percentage of mortality in African American women is nearly 40% higher (2). Why is there such a huge gap in the death from breast cancer among these two groups?

Studies have shown significant variances in the age of initial screenings, social-economic statuses, lack of education, relationship with primary care physician, quality healthcare access, and family and spiritual beliefs, all may be attributed to this large marginal variation (1). Poor women who received care at low-volume facilities experience decreased survival rates after treatment and or surgery than those at high-volume facilities (3).

My goal is to decipher the challenges of African American women and those faced with issues accessing appropriate and quality healthcare, particularly breast healthcare, and ensure that information is readily available to all women regardless of socioeconomic status.


