airline globalization in 2018:
Read the two supporting documents focusing on airline globalization in 2018:
-Go to page 24 of Aviation Benefit 2019 (I attached it), and read “Regional Economic Impact of Aviation.” The six regions are discussed.
Read Chapter 35 – Airlines in the 21st Century – Consolidation, Security Concerns, and New Business Models:
Aviation and the Role of Government
ISBN: 978-1465270740
Authors: Harry Lawrence
Publisher: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
Publication Date: 2015
Edition: 3rd Revised
Then, write a one-page *(no more than 450 words) APA-formatted summary report using the section titled “Regional Economic Impact of Aviation,” and answers the question: Of the six worldwide regions displayed, which one do you think has the greatest potential for airline growth, and why?
Organization and Context
Should provide an effective and concise overview/introduction; develops a coherent, central theme that is expressed in a structured, organized, and logical manner.
Knowledge and Comprehension
Should address given assignment requirements; there should be evidence from course content and from valid, external sources should be used.
Analysis, Evaluation, and Application
Should identify and analyze issues and relationships between factors with examples; supports argument based upon solid body of evidence; should apply to real-life situations and defined, if required.
Style and Mechanics
Mechanics of style should enhance content understanding, and writing skillfully supports the message and is in required format. Citations and references present and IAW APA.
*Please use all three of resources that I have provided.