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Encountering Latin America & The Caribbean

Section Description: This course provides an overview of Latin America and the Caribbean. Although there is a shared history of colonialism in the region, each Latin American and Caribbean state
possesses unique political, social, economic, and cultural characteristics that help to define it.
Utilizing perspectives from multiple disciplines, including political science, history, sociology, and literature, we will examine the transformation of the region since colonization and the major factors that have shaped Latin American and Caribbean societies. We will also discuss a number of problems that currently plague the region. In particular, we will focus on the following topics: the experience and legacy of colonialism; revolutionary movements and independence; authoritarianism and democratization; human rights; economic development and dependency; racial discrimination; LGBTQ+ rights; the status of women; the role of the church; and relations with the United States.
Throughout the course, we will rely on current events to expand our understanding of contemporary


Class Number: 4774

Section Description: This course provides an overview of Latin America and the Caribbean. Although there is a shared history of colonialism in the region, each Latin American and Caribbean state possesses unique political, social, economic, and cultural characteristics that help to define it.
Utilizing perspectives from multiple disciplines, including political science, history, sociology, and literature, we will examine the transformation of the region since colonization and the major factors that have shaped Latin American and Caribbean societies.

We will also discuss a number of problems that currently plague the region. In particular, we will focus on the following topics: the experience
and legacy of colonialism; revolutionary movements and independence; authoritarianism and
democratization; human rights; economic development and dependency; racial discrimination;LGBTQ+ rights; the status of women; the role of the church; and relations with the United States.
Throughout the course, we will rely on current events to expand our understanding of contemporary

Course Description: “Race and Ethnicity in Latin America”
This course is designed to provide an introductory sociological overview of how race and ethnicity
works in Latin America using interdisciplinary, international, and cross-national studies. In this course,
we study (1) analytic perspectives on race, ethnicity, and ethno-racial ideologies; (2) ideologies of mestizaje (Spanish for ethno-racial mixture) in processes of nation making; (3) indigenous and Afro- descendant populations in Latin American countries; (4) racism, ethno-racial conflict and
stratification in Latin American countries; and (5) Latin Americans and Latinos in the United States.
The discussion of these topics in class should encourage students to develop solid conceptual and
analytic tools for understanding ethnic and racial issues in Latin America, the United States, and outside of the United States.