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John and Ann have asked you to recommend a strategy for using metrics to address current workplace issues and supporting business initiatives for continuous improvement. They requested that you submit your recommendations in a formal management recommendations email.

  • Workplace Issues and Solutions: John and Ann have identified that there are areas for opportunity based on current metrics, and they are looking forward to your recommendations related to current performance measurements and resource allocation. They would like you to use the current performance metrics as a basis for your recommendations.
    • Explain the use of metrics and data analysis for identifying root causes and proposing informed solutions to organizational issues. In your response, include the following:
      • Considering the company’s current performance metrics, describe potential use of the information as a basis to determine the root cause of the issue.
      • How does identifying the root cause of the problem or issue inform effective solutions?
    • Describe the use of metrics for improving employee performance and increasing opportunities. Include the following in your response:
      • How should metrics and data be used and presented to support increased personal and professional growth in business settings?
      • What are common issues in presenting performance metrics to employees, and how can inefficient presentation of metrics negatively impact employees and the workplace environment?
      • How should metrics and data be used to connect to and measure organizational goals related to employee performance and incentive?
    • Describe effective use of metrics for improving resource allocation and continuous improvement. Include the following in your response:
      • How can metrics be used to identify opportunities to better allocate human resources and financial resources and support the company in its strategic initiatives?
      • How can metrics be used to identify gaps in current processes based on how the company is currently allocating its resources?
  • Future Considerations: In addition to asking you to identify existing workplace issues, John and Ann have asked that you propose an informed solution and discuss strategies that the company should consider in obtaining its goals. They have also asked that you explain potential limitations of metrics so that they can ensure that their store managers are interpreting metrics in a way that benefits the company and its employees.
    • Describe the benefit of using measurable and focused metrics for supporting the company in reaching its strategic growth initiatives. Include the following in your response:
      • Discuss metrics and performance measurements you would collect to support the company in meeting its strategic goals. Explain how you would collect the data and how it would support company goals and initiatives.
      • How should metrics and data be used to connect to and measure organizational goals related to increasing interdepartmental collaboration and efficiency?
    • Discuss potential limitations of metrics for informing management about business issues. Include the following in your response:
      • Why is a human element important in measuring employee and organizational success, and when does it matter most?
      • What elements does data not account for, and how should managers consider these limitations in their interpretation of data?
      • What ethical considerations should managers consider when gathering, evaluating, and presenting performance measures and metrics?