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Why is women’s writing being important and necessary?

Writing is an important tool for women to voice their experiences – of identity, sexuality, marriage, love, family, life. But often women find is hard to use traditional forms of writing and literary conventions to convey these personal experiences. Language has...

What is feminist approach to literature

Feminist literary criticism recognizes that literature both reflects and shapes stereotypes and other cultural assumptions. Thus, feminist literary criticism examines how works of literature embody patriarchal attitudes or undercut them, sometimes both happening...

Why is women’s literature important

The onus of women’s literature, then, is to categorize and create an area of study for a group of people marginalized by history and to explore through their writing their lives as they were while occupying such a unique sociopolitical space within their...

Why is gender important in society

Gender is of key importance in defining the power, privilege and possibilities that some people have and some people do not have in a given society. It affects progress towards equality and freedom from discrimination.