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For your final essay you will chose one social issue or social problem to write about. You can look through our book for ideas. Examples of social problem surrounding society can be:

1) Sexism in the workplace

2) Misrepresentation of gender in the media

3) Racial discrimination in the workplace

4) Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes in the Media

5)  Religious Discrimination

6) Racial Profiling

7) Poverty

8) Homelessness

9) Challenges facing the elderly

10) Challenges in Family

11) Issues in Education

12)  Problems with the Environment (Climate Change, Pollution)

13)  Global Inequality

14)  Crime

15)  Influence of the mass media on children.

You will need 2 academic references, in addition to our textbook. 2 of the 3 sources need to be academic.

Include the following in your essay:

1) The topic you have chosen and an explanation as to why it deserves attention.

2) How you think this topic is changing and the direction you believe it is moving toward.

3) What do you think are the causes, reasons, and to this problem?

4) Choose one social theory (functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, or feminist theory) to help explain this issue.

You can choose from this list or look in our textbook for a topic that you would like to know more about. Your essay should be 3-4 pages (not inclusing the title page or reference page) in APA format summarizing your research.

While all parts of your essay require you to respond in your own words, it is important to substantiate your argument with at least three academic sources, with one reference from your book. These sources can include academic articles from the library, websites, and online newspaper or magazine articles (no wikipedia).