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Business Communication – Inquiry Letter / Formal Business Letter

Read the case below and compose an Inquiry letter. This should be structured as a formal business letter. You should include all components of a business letter such as: date, your name, job title, the company you work for, etc…


The case:

Scheduling Software Training: You work for a large credit union that is upgrading the software it uses to manage and maintain members’ account and personal information. Everyone who works with or has access to members’ information (tellers, customer service representatives, financial officers, loan representatives, department supervisors and managers, employee trainers, technical writers, marketing specialists, clerical staff, and information systems specialists) will need training on the upgraded software. Your boss has asked you, as the lead corporate trainer, to coordinate training sessions.

You discover that the makers of the software (Financial Software Systems, Inc.) can provide training on site or at its corporate headquarters, which happen to be in your town. You need to know which of these options is both feasible and practical. You have 500 employees who will need training. You have a corporate training room with 20 computers, a reliable Internet connection, and a data projector. The software will be installed in six months. Ideally, you would like to train all of your employees in the two months before the installation. That way they can continue to practice on the software installed in the corporate training room if they would like.

Although you have thought about calling for the information, you decide to write so that you have a permanent record of the answers to your questions. Write to Ms. Whitley Freeman, training coordinator, to inquire about Financial Software Inc.’s availability to provide training during the time period you require and for information that will help you decide whether to train onsite or at company headquarters.