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Touching Spirit Bear Essay 


‘Touching Spirit Bear’ by Ben Mikaelsen is a novel about hurt, healing, survival, and forgiveness. You will be writing a short form essay (400 – 500 words) about the novel. You may choose any of the following prompts listed on the 2nd page:



When writing, be sure to:


  • Consider your audience

  • Focus on your purpose and point of view

  • Organize your thoughts appropriately in sentences and paragraphs

  • Use vocabulary this is interesting and effective

  • Edit your work

  • Budget your time


You will be given 1 week to complete this assignment


Essay Prompts – CHOOSE ONE

1. Animals and the forces of nature strongly influence Cole’s experience of healing during his time on the island. Comment on the symbolism and themes evoked by these various nature encounters.

In this essay, the student should choose three prominent symbols (including, among many, the Spirit Bear, the seagull, the bird nest, the thunderstorm, the wolf, the beaver, the freezing pond, the ancestor rock, etc.) and explain their symbolism. The key to a good response is first to explain the symbolic message held behind each one. Cole often explicitly states this explanation in the text. However, the best answers will link the three symbols together and show how they evolved in meaning over time to Cole, demonstrating a deeper level of analysis.

2. Cole’s experience of abuse deeply affects his future violence and healing. Explore how the author develops the relationship between Cole and his father by analyzing two scenes in which they interact (these can be flashbacks or any other scene). This essay will have TWO body paragraphs.

The relationship between father and son is crucial to Cole’s healing. He must first learn to forgive his father for beating him, before he can give up his own streak of violence. Key scenes from this development include flashbacks of his father beating him, interactions at the circle, and accounts from his mother of his dad’s status towards the end of the novel. The best answers will explore the ways in which the obstinate father’s unwillingness to change contrasts with Cole’s humble submission to circle justice.

3. After Cole is mauled by the Spirit Bear, several chapters follow in which he is immobilized on the ground, and yet these are some of the most symbolic and psychologically harrowing moments of the novel. Explore the symbols, details, and devices that the author uses to convey an image of psychological transformation in a person so clearly physically immobilized.

Good essays will comment on the graphic and disturbing details contained within this episode, including Cole’s eating of worms, a mouse, and his own vomit. They will also explore the crucial symbol of the bird nest and the thunderstorm. The author evokes the connectedness of nature and Cole’s own healing and narrates in a way that lets the reader into Cole’s mind in this most excruciating of moments. Students should explore the author’s descriptions of Cole’s pain, helplessness, and acceptance of possible death.


Essay Outline


  1. Introduction (50~100 words)

  1. Paper’s Hook and Topic Sentence

  2. Background

  3. Thesis Statement (one point per body paragraph)

  4. Transition


2. Body Paragraph #1 (~100 words)

  1. Paragraph Topic Sentence

  2. Your Point about Topic

    1. Example

    2. Explanation

  3. Paragraph Conclusion/Transition


3. Body Paragraph #2 (~100 words)

  1. Paragraph Topic Sentence

  2. Your Point about Topic

    1. Example

    2. Explanation

  3. Paragraph Conclusion/Transition


4.  Body Paragraph #3* (~100 words)

  1. Paragraph Topic Sentence

  2. Your Point about Topic

    1. Example

    2. Explanation

  3. Paragraph Conclusion/Transition


5. Conclusion (50~100 words)


  1. Restate Points as Necessary especially THESIS STATEMENT

  2. Make it clear that points have been made and the paper is done.  Do not use any transitional words here.

*Note: Essay prompt 2 will not have a third body paragraph so the two body paragraphs will be longer in word count.