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Classics of Criminology

Please provide a powerpoint presentation AND Word Document of notes on the presentation.

Read “Classics of Criminology” Chapters:

Kelling, Pate, Dieckman and Brown (59). “The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment.” and Sutherland (3). “White-Collar Criminality.”

Each student will conduct 10 to 11-minute oral presentations/teaching sessions on American criminal incidents related to the readings for the day of the assigned oral presentation/teaching session. For this oral presentation/teaching session, students should read the assigned chapter/articles and select one topic that intrigues them. Students should then research and identify a real criminal incident related to the topic you chose from the reaing, identify a theory that best explains the crime (the theory does not have to be from the reading and can be any crimonolgy theory that best explains the crime), and acquire and incorporate at least three peer-reviewed journal articles related to the topic of the presentation.

Each oral presentation/teaching session must:

  • Have a title and topic sentence. This topic sentence should clearly convey he focus of the oral presentation/teaching session.
  • Detail the criminal incident under investigation. It is important for students to: (1) identify the victim, (2) identify the offender(s), (3) speak about the offenders’ motivation, (4) speak about the relationship between the victim and offender(s) (if any), (5) speak about the offenders’ past (i.e., childhood, life before the crime, socio-economic status, prior offenses, etc., (6) discuss when the crime occurred, and (7) present information on the offenders’ punishment.
  • Next, students should present the theory that will be applied to explain the criminal incident. This should include: (1) the name of the theory and the theorists who wrote it, (2) the components (important parts) of the theory, (3) how the components of the theory explain specific aspects of the criminal incident, and (4) what aspects of the criminal incident are unexplained by the theory selected.
  • Incorporate and cite at least three peer-reviewed journal articles. These articles should be used to teach the class about the type of crime being discussed. For example, students could present the rate of this type of crime, etc.
  • Presentations should last 10 to 11 minutes. Students will be stopped at the 11-minute mark. Points will be deducted from presentations going under 9 minutes and those going over 11 minutes.

At the end of the oral presentation/teaching session, the students in the class and professor will have an opportunity to ask the presenters questions.

Important Notes:

  • Reliable sources (e.g., academic books, government or academic reports, CQ Researcher) may be referenced to help students detail the criminal incident being discussed.
  • Students should not focus on information from the assigned readings in their oral presentations.
  • Oral presentations/teaching sessions may be interactive.
  • Students may utilize PowerPoint, Prezi, etc., in their oral presentations/teaching sessions. Though these mediums are not required, they are recommended since, when used appropriately, they enhance oral presentations/teaching sessions. If PowerPoint or Prezi is employed, students should not incorporate more than five short sentences/ bullet points per slide.
  • Students may incorporate photos in their presentations.
  • Students may incorporate short videos in their presentations. Videos incorporated into presentations cannot be more than 90 seconds.
  • On the day of their oral presentation/teaching session, students are required to post their presentation (e.g., PowerPoint slides) to Canvas. If slides are not used, should post a MS Word document containing the notes of their oral presentation/teaching session.
  • A reference list (in APA format), containing all information incorporated into the presentation, should be submitted to Canvas for each oral presentation.