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immigrants or immigration

Please pick a specific topic about immigrants or immigration to do a report on. Then create a proposal of 500+ words and a reference list for that topic.

  • Provide a TITLE for your final project presentation.
  • Write a 500-700 word DESCRIPTION of your project’s topic.
  • Required: Include in your DESCRIPTION: 
    1. introduction, 
    2. goals, 
    3. 2-3 areas to be covered.
  • Must have 10 or more sources(audio-visual and written/print), in good bibliographic style.
  • Out of those ten sources, you can use NO MORE THAN TWO interview reports from the Discussion Board, that were completed for this class.
  • Decide what bibliographic style / format you will use for your reference list. You can use APA, MLA, or some other style. MLA is used by the English Department, so you may know it already. I consider that MLA is the easiest to learn, but I accept any style, as long as you use it correctly.
  • At the top of your reference list, put the name of the bibliographic style or format you are using (APA, MLA, something else).