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Each essay question should be a page long, articles are attached.

Q1. In the case study,  The Demise of the Jane Addams Hull House Association, there were opportunities to examine the successes and failures of leadership over the course of the organization’s history.  Using the case study for context, please expand on the following questions.

    • What were examples of leadership success and why?
    • What were examples of leadership failure and why?
Q2. What is the purpose of the Human Service Organization as you understand it?  Compare and contrast nonprofit corporations to traditional corporations.
Q3. Using the video compilation on Systems Design, please explain why and how and how this approach can be utilized by organizations to solve complex challenges.
Q4. Using the article Rethinking Feminist Organizations, compare and contrast feminist organizational structure with hierarchical structures.  What are the benefits and challenges of each?
Q5. What is the role of the Board in organizational governance?  Please compare and contrast this role with that of the Executive Director (CEO).